Harvard Christian Alumni Society
HCAS Connect Cafe

Interactive sessions around topics that touch our lives
by HCAS members sharing their professional or life experiences.


"Adoption is a Journey"

Friday, February 17
7:00 PM ET/4:00 PM PT


“Bringing Keyuan Home” is the heartwarming story of an 8-year-old boy born without ears, and growing up in a Chinese orphanage/foster home. He waited years for a family but no one chose him. Until one day, a door opened…


Poh Lian Lim Yap, MD, MPH (Coll ‘87) shares her family’s experiences with international adoption and navigating post-adoption adjustments including physical and learning disabilities.
There will be an interactive Q&A time, which may be helpful for those who exploring adoption.


Join the Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85813264940?pwd=NE9rZ2EzVmI5alV0U25WZWo0VTJJQT09

Meeting ID: 858 1326 4940
Passcode: 190862



Please contact the Administrator, Tricia Wansor at HarvardChristians@gmail.com