Harvard Christian Alumni Society

Please join us for our annual online 
Summer Book Discussion Group!


July 19 & July 26, 2022
5:00 - 6:30 PM PST

(Zoom information will be sent in advance)

Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life

by Luke Burgis




Drawing on his experiences as an entrepreneur and teacher trained in philosophy and theology, Luke Burgis dives into how the polymath René Girard’s mimetic theory plays out in our social, economic, and political interactions. Through contemporary, historical, and biblical case studies, the book underscores the universality and pervasiveness of the mimetic contagion. It also provides actionable tips on how to reorient and transform borrowed desires - that at worst breed discontent and violence and at best bring fleeting happiness - into desires that conduce fulfillment and lasting joy. 

From Burgis’ Note to the Reader: “Girard identified a fundamental truth about desire that connected the seemingly unconnected: linking biblical stories with volatility in the stock market, the collapse of ancient civilizations with workplace dysfunction, career paths with diet trends. He explained, well before they existed, why Facebook, Instagram, and their progeny have been so wildly popular and effective in selling people both stuff and dreams.”

Formats:  hardcover, paperback, Kindle and Audible
Length: 304 pages (hardcover)


Tuesday, July 19 – through Chapter 4 
Tuesday, July 26  – Chapters 5 to 8


Oriana Li Halevy and Jordan Monge Gandhi will be leading the discussions. We will send discussion questions to the registrants in advance of each session.

If you do not have time to read the book but are interested in the topic, you are welcome to register and listen in.





Please contact SIG Administrator, Tricia Wansor: tricia@harvardchristianalumni.org or 954-914-3148.



8:00PM - 9:30PM Tue 26 Jul 2022, Eastern timezone

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